Wallet API¶
The Wallet API is the main interface for interacting with a cloud wallet. It is primarly used when you're providing custom wallet experience and building your own digital wallet integration. If you'd like to use Trinsic's integrated cloud wallet app, you likely won't need to use this API.
Migrating from Account API?
Check out our migration guide on how to migrate your code that uses the deprecated Account API.
Create Wallet¶
Create a new wallet and return the authentication token and wallet information about the newly created wallet.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FluentAssertions;
using Grpc.Core;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Trinsic;
using Trinsic.Sdk.Options.V1;
using Trinsic.Services.Common.V1;
using Trinsic.Services.Connect.V1;
using Trinsic.Services.Provider.V1;
using Trinsic.Services.TrustRegistry.V1;
using Trinsic.Services.UniversalWallet.V1;
using Trinsic.Services.VerifiableCredentials.Templates.V1;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using JsonSerializer = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer;
#pragma warning disable CS0618
namespace Tests;
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "MethodHasAsyncOverload")]
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")]
public class Tests
// This breaks the CI pipeline, removing DEBUG option.
// #if DEBUG
// private const string DefaultEndpoint = "localhost";
// private const int DefaultPort = 5000;
// private const bool DefaultUseTls = false;
// #else
public const string DefaultEndpoint = "staging-internal.trinsic.cloud";
public const int DefaultPort = 443;
// #endif
private readonly ITestOutputHelper _testOutputHelper;
private readonly TrinsicOptions _options;
public Tests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) {
_testOutputHelper = testOutputHelper;
_options = GetTestServiceOptions();
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"Testing endpoint: {_options.FormatUrl()}");
public static TrinsicOptions GetTestServiceOptions() {
return new() {
ServerEndpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEST_SERVER_ENDPOINT") ?? DefaultEndpoint,
ServerPort = int.TryParse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEST_SERVER_PORT"), out var port)
? port
: DefaultPort,
ServerUseTls = !bool.TryParse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEST_SERVER_USE_TLS"), out var tls) || tls
[Fact(DisplayName = "SDK Version has 3 decimal places")]
public void TestGetVersion() {
Assert.Equal("1.0.0", TrinsicService.GetSdkVersion());
[Fact(DisplayName = "Demo: wallet and credential sample")]
public async Task TestWalletService() {
var trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.Clone());
var (ecosystem, _) = trinsic.Provider.CreateEcosystem(new());
var ecosystemId = ecosystem.Id;
// Create 3 different profiles for each participant in the scenario
var allison = await trinsic.Wallet.CreateWalletAsync(new() { EcosystemId = ecosystemId });
var clinic = await trinsic.Wallet.CreateWalletAsync(new() { EcosystemId = ecosystemId });
var airline = await trinsic.Wallet.CreateWalletAsync(new() { EcosystemId = ecosystemId });
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(clinic.AuthToken));
var info = await trinsic.Wallet.GetMyInfoAsync();
var template = await trinsic.Template.CreateAsync(new() {
Name = $"dotnet-tests-{Guid.NewGuid()}",
Fields =
"field", new() { Type = FieldType.Number }
// Sign a credential as the clinic and send it to Allison
// Read the JSON credential data
// issueCredentialSample() {
var issueResponse = await trinsic.Credential.IssueFromTemplateAsync(new() {
TemplateId = template.Data.Id,
ValuesJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new {
field = 123
// }
// sendCredential() {
var sendResponse = await trinsic.Credential.SendAsync(new() {
Email = "<EMAIL>",
DocumentJson = issueResponse.DocumentJson,
SendNotification = true,
// }
} catch
} // We expect this to fail
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(allison.AuthToken));
var insertItemResponse = await trinsic.Wallet.InsertItemAsync(new() {
ItemJson = issueResponse.DocumentJson
var itemId = insertItemResponse.ItemId;
// getItem() {
var getItemResponse = await trinsic.Wallet.GetItemAsync(new GetItemRequest {
ItemId = itemId
// searchWalletBasic() {
var walletItems = await trinsic.Wallet.SearchWalletAsync(new());
// }
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"Last wallet item:\n{walletItems.Items.Last()}");
// searchWalletSQL() {
_ = await trinsic.Wallet.SearchWalletAsync(new() { Query = "SELECT c.id, c.type, c.data FROM c WHERE c.type = 'VerifiableCredential'" });
// }
var credentialProof = await trinsic.Credential.CreateProofAsync(new() {
ItemId = itemId
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(airline.AuthToken));
var valid = await trinsic.Credential.VerifyProofAsync(new() {
ProofDocumentJson = credentialProof.ProofDocumentJson
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"Verification result: {valid.ValidationResults}");
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(allison.AuthToken));
// deleteItem() {
await trinsic.Wallet.DeleteItemAsync(new DeleteItemRequest {
ItemId = itemId
[Fact(DisplayName = "Demo: Wallet deletion")]
public async Task TestWalletDeletion() {
var trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.Clone());
var (ecosystem, _) = await trinsic.Provider.CreateEcosystemAsync(new());
var createWalletResponse = await trinsic.Wallet.CreateWalletAsync(new() { EcosystemId = ecosystem.Id });
// set the auth token to the newly created wallet
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(createWalletResponse.AuthToken));
var newWalletInfo = await trinsic.Wallet.GetMyInfoAsync();
var walletId = newWalletInfo.Wallet.WalletId;
// deleteWallet() {
await trinsic.Wallet.DeleteWalletAsync(new DeleteWalletRequest {
WalletId = walletId
[Fact(DisplayName = "Demo: trust registries")]
public async Task TestTrustRegistry() {
_ = $"https://example.com/{Guid.NewGuid():N}";
// setup
var trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.Clone());
var (_, authToken) = await trinsic.Provider.CreateEcosystemAsync(new());
// setAuthTokenSample() {
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(authToken));
// }
var schemaUri = "https://schema.org/Card";
// registerIssuerSample() {
var didUri = "did:example:test";
_ = await trinsic.TrustRegistry.RegisterMemberAsync(new() {
DidUri = didUri,
SchemaUri = schemaUri
// }
// checkIssuerStatus() {
var issuerStatus = await trinsic.TrustRegistry.GetMemberAuthorizationStatusAsync(new() {
DidUri = didUri,
SchemaUri = schemaUri
// }
// getMember() {
var member = await trinsic.TrustRegistry.GetMemberAsync(new() {
DidUri = didUri
// }
// listMembers() {
var members = await trinsic.TrustRegistry.ListAuthorizedMembersAsync(new() {
SchemaUri = schemaUri
// }
// unregisterIssuer() {
_ = await trinsic.TrustRegistry.UnregisterMemberAsync(new() {
DidUri = didUri,
SchemaUri = schemaUri
// }
[Fact(DisplayName = "Demo: ecosystem creation and listing")]
public async Task EcosystemTests() {
// setup
var trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.Clone());
// test create ecosystem
// createEcosystem() {
var (ecosystem, authToken) = await trinsic.Provider.CreateEcosystemAsync(new() {
Description = "My ecosystem",
// }
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(authToken));
// test get ecosystem info
// ecosystemInfo() {
// }
// inviteParticipant() {
// }
// invitationStatus() {
// }
// Test upgrading account DID
var accountInfo = await trinsic.Wallet.GetMyInfoAsync();
var walletId = accountInfo.Wallet.WalletId;
// Wrap in try-catch as this ecosystem will not presently have DID upgrade permissions
// upgradeDid() {
var upgradeResponse = await trinsic.Provider.UpgradeDIDAsync(new() {
WalletId = walletId,
Method = SupportedDidMethod.Ion,
IonOptions = new() {
Network = IonOptions.Types.IonNetwork.TestNet
// }
} catch (RpcException e)
public async Task ConnectDemo() {
var trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.Clone());
var (ecosystem, authToken) = await trinsic.Provider.CreateEcosystemAsync(new());
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(authToken));
try {
// createSession() {
var createResponse = await trinsic.Connect.CreateSessionAsync(new() {
Verifications = {
new RequestedVerification() {
Type = VerificationType.GovernmentId
var session = createResponse.Session;
var sessionId = session.Id; // Save this in your database
var clientToken = session.ClientToken; // Send this to your user's device
// }
// getSession() {
var getResponse = await trinsic.Connect.GetSessionAsync(new() {
IdvSessionId = sessionId
// }
// cancelSession() {
await trinsic.Connect.CancelSessionAsync(new() {
IdvSessionId = sessionId
// }
} catch {
// We expect the above calls to fail due to lack of privileges
[Fact(DisplayName = "Demo: template management and credential issuance from template")]
public async Task DemoTemplatesWithIssuance() {
var trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.Clone());
var (ecosystem, authToken) = await trinsic.Provider.CreateEcosystemAsync(new());
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(authToken));
// create example template
// createTemplate() {
CreateCredentialTemplateRequest createRequest = new() {
Name = "An Example Credential",
Title = "Example Credential",
Description = "A credential for Trinsic's SDK samples",
AllowAdditionalFields = false,
Fields =
{ "firstName", new() { Title = "First Name", Description = "Given name of holder" } },
{ "lastName", new() { Title = "Last Name", Description = "Surname of holder", Optional = true } },
{ "age", new() { Title = "Age", Description = "Age in years of holder", Type = FieldType.Number } }
FieldOrdering =
{ "firstName", new() { Order = 0, Section = "Name" } },
{ "lastName", new() { Order = 1, Section = "Name" } },
{ "age", new() { Order = 2, Section = "Miscellanous" } }
AppleWalletOptions = new() {
PrimaryField = "firstName",
SecondaryFields = { "lastName" },
AuxiliaryFields = { "age" }
var template = await trinsic.Template.CreateAsync(createRequest);
// }
var templateId = template.Data.Id;
// update template
// updateTemplate() {
UpdateCredentialTemplateRequest updateRequest = new() {
Id = templateId,
Title = "New Title",
Description = "New Description",
Fields =
{ "firstName", new() { Title = "New title for firstName" } },
{ "lastName", new() { Description = "New description for lastName" } }
FieldOrdering =
{ "age", new() { Order = 0, Section = "Misc" } },
{ "firstName", new() { Order = 1, Section = "Full Name" } },
{ "lastName", new() { Order = 2, Section = "Full Name" } },
AppleWalletOptions = new() {
PrimaryField = "age",
SecondaryFields = { "firstName", "lastName" }
var updatedTemplate = await trinsic.Template.UpdateAsync(updateRequest);
// }
// issue credential from this template
var values = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new {
firstName = "Jane",
lastName = "Doe",
age = 42
// issueFromTemplate() {
var credentialJson = await trinsic.Credential.IssueFromTemplateAsync(new() {
TemplateId = templateId,
ValuesJson = values
// }
var jsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(credentialJson.DocumentJson).RootElement.EnumerateObject();
jsonDocument.Should().Contain(x => x.Name == "id");
jsonDocument.Should().Contain(x => x.Name == "credentialSubject");
// insertItemWallet() {
var insertItemResponse =
await trinsic.Wallet.InsertItemAsync(new() { ItemJson = credentialJson.DocumentJson });
// }
var itemId = insertItemResponse.ItemId;
var frame = new JObject
{ "@context", "https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1" },
{ "type", new JArray("VerifiableCredential") }
// Create proof from input document
// createProof() {
var proof = await trinsic.Credential.CreateProofAsync(new() {
DocumentJson = credentialJson.DocumentJson,
RevealDocumentJson = frame.ToString(Formatting.None)
var selectiveProof = await trinsic.Credential.CreateProofAsync(new() {
DocumentJson = credentialJson.DocumentJson,
RevealTemplate = new() {
// The other field, not disclosed, is "age"
TemplateAttributes = { "firstName", "lastName" }
// }
// verifyProof() {
var valid = await trinsic.Credential.VerifyProofAsync(new() { ProofDocumentJson = proof.ProofDocumentJson });
// }
var selectiveValid =
await trinsic.Credential.VerifyProofAsync(
new() { ProofDocumentJson = selectiveProof.ProofDocumentJson });
// Create proof from item id
var proof2 = await trinsic.Credential.CreateProofAsync(new() {
ItemId = itemId,
RevealDocumentJson = frame.ToString(Formatting.None)
var valid2 =
await trinsic.Credential.VerifyProofAsync(new() { ProofDocumentJson = proof2.ProofDocumentJson });
// checkCredentialStatus() {
var checkResponse = await trinsic.Credential.CheckStatusAsync(new() { CredentialStatusId = "" });
// }
} catch
} // We expect this to fail
// updateCredentialStatus() {
await trinsic.Credential.UpdateStatusAsync(new() { CredentialStatusId = "", Revoked = true });
// }
} catch
} // We expect this to fail
// getCredentialTemplate() {
var getTemplateResponse = await trinsic.Template.GetAsync(new() { Id = template.Data.Id });
// }
// searchCredentialTemplate() {
var searchTemplateResponse = await trinsic.Template.SearchAsync(new() { Query = "SELECT * FROM c" });
// }
// deleteCredentialTemplate() {
var deleteTemplateResponse = await trinsic.Template.DeleteAsync(new() { Id = template.Data.Id });
// }
[Fact(DisplayName = "Decode base64 url encoded string")]
public void DecodeBase64UrlString() {
const string encoded =
var actual = Base64Url.Decode(encoded);
[Fact(DisplayName = "Demo: Wallet Service samples")]
public async Task DemoWalletServiceMethods() {
// Most part of this service's samples are directly in the wallet-service.md file because it complains on creating/removing duplicate identities/wallets
var trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.Clone());
var (ecosystem, authToken) = await trinsic.Provider.CreateEcosystemAsync(new());
var createWalletResponse = await trinsic.Wallet.CreateWalletAsync(new() { EcosystemId = ecosystem.Id });
trinsic = new TrinsicService(_options.CloneWithAuthToken(authToken));
// getWalletInfo() {
var getWalletInfoResponse = await trinsic.Wallet.GetWalletInfoAsync(
new GetWalletInfoRequest {
WalletId = createWalletResponse.Wallet.WalletId
// }
Authenticate and return an auth token for an existing wallet using one of the associated external identities. This endpoint requires that the wallet user has previously added at least one external identity using the above endpoints.
Once a token is obtained, it can be reused for future sessions -- users don't need to authenticate if they already have a valid token. You can store the auth token in secure enclaves on the users device, browser, etc.
When should users authenticate?
- If your integration solution doesn't manage the wallet tokens, users may need to re-authenticate on their device to get a new auth token
- Users want to log in to a different device using their email or phone number
- Returning users that have lost their previous session and require new auth token
endpoint Pass this challenge back to the AcquireAuthTokenConfirm
endpointAdd External Identity¶
This service is used to attach external identity, such as email or phone number, to a wallet. The purpose of this process is to allow
the user to authenticate to their existing wallet (using the Authenticate
endpoint) to get an auth token.
This may be needed if the user is logging in on a different device, have lost access to the initial auth token, etc.
The process for adding external identity is based on confirming an OTP code that will be sent to the user's email address or phone number. To do this, you should call the
services AddExternalIdentityInit
and AddExternalIdentityConfirm
endpointRemove External Identity¶
Removes an external identity from the associated identities of the authenticated wallet.
Insert Item¶
Stores a credential (or any other JSON object) in a wallet.
let insertItemResponse = await trinsic.wallet().insertItem(
itemJson: issueResponse.documentJson,
var insertItemResponse =
await trinsic.Wallet.InsertItemAsync(new() { ItemJson = credentialJson.DocumentJson });
insert_response = await trinsic.wallet.insert_item(
item_json=credential, item_type="VerifiableCredential"
insertResponse, err := trinsic.Wallet().InsertItem(context.Background(), &wallet.InsertItemRequest{
ItemJson: credentialJson,
ItemType: "VerifiableCredential",
var insertResponse =
What can be stored in a wallet?
Wallets are mainly intended to hold Verifiable Credentials, but can technically store any JSON blob.
If you store a Verifiable Credential in a Wallet, ensure that its item_type
is VerifiableCredential
Otherwise, ensure its item_type
is not VerifiableCredential
Get Item¶
Retrieves an item of the wallet by its ID.
let getItemResponse = await trinsic.wallet().getItem({
itemId: itemId,
var getItemResponse = await trinsic.Wallet.GetItemAsync(new GetItemRequest {
ItemId = itemId
item = await trinsic.wallet.get_item(request=GetItemRequest(item_id))
getResponse, err := trinsic.Wallet().GetItem(context.Background(), &wallet.GetItemRequest{
ItemId: itemId,
var getResponse =
Get Wallet¶
Retrieves information about wallets in the ecosystem. These endpoints can only be called by a Provider, so make sure you authenticate as it before calling them.
Retrieves information about a wallet by its ID.
//trinsic.options.authToken = trinsic.provider().options.authToken;
let getWalletInfoResponse = await trinsic.wallet().getWalletInfo(
walletId: createWalletResponse.wallet?.walletId,
get_wallet_info_response = await trinsic.wallet.get_wallet_info(
getWalletInfoResponse, err := trinsic.Wallet().GetWalletInfo(context.Background(),
WalletId: createWalletResponse.Wallet.WalletId,
var getWalletInfoResponse = trinsic.wallet().getWalletInfo(
Retrieves information about a wallet by its External Identity (email or phone number).
//trinsic.options.authToken = trinsic.provider().options.authToken;
let getWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse = await trinsic.wallet().getWalletFromExternalIdentity(
identity: {
id: "test@trinsic.id",
provider: IdentityProvider.Email,
get_wallet_from_external_identity_response = await trinsic.wallet.get_wallet_from_external_identity(
"id": "test@trinsic.id",
"provider": IdentityProvider.Email
getWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse, err := trinsic.Wallet().GetWalletFromExternalIdentity(context.Background(),
Identity: &provider.WalletExternalIdentity{
Id: "test@trinsic.id",
Provider: &provider.IdentityProvider.Email,
var getWalletFromExternalIdentityResponse = trinsic.wallet().getWalletFromExternalIdentity(
Delete Item¶
Deletes an item of the wallet by its ID.
await trinsic.wallet().deleteItem({
itemId: itemId,
await trinsic.Wallet.DeleteItemAsync(new DeleteItemRequest {
ItemId = itemId
await trinsic.wallet.delete_item(request=DeleteItemRequest(item_id=item_id))
deleteResponse, err := trinsic.Wallet().DeleteItem(context.Background(),
ItemId: itemId,
Delete Wallet¶
Deletes a wallet, and all its credentials, permanently.
Any wallet may delete itself by passing its own ID to this call. Only Provider wallets may delete wallets other than themselves.
Wallet deletion is permanent and cannot be undone.
await trinsic.wallet().deleteWallet({
walletId: walletId,
await trinsic.Wallet.DeleteWalletAsync(new DeleteWalletRequest {
WalletId = walletId
await trinsic.wallet.delete_wallet(request=DeleteWalletRequest(wallet_id=wallet_id))
deleteWalletResponse, err := trinsic.Wallet().DeleteWallet(context.Background(),
Account: &wallet.DeleteWalletRequest_WalletId{
WalletId: walletId,
and didUri
and didUri
and walletId
. Empty payload.Search Wallet¶
Searches a wallet, returning all matching items, and a continuation_token
to paginate large result sets.
If no query
is specified, this call by default returns the first 100 items in the wallet.
let items = await trinsic.wallet().searchWallet();
var walletItems = await trinsic.Wallet.SearchWalletAsync(new());
wallet_items = await trinsic.wallet.search_wallet()
searchResponse, err := trinsic.Wallet().SearchWallet(context.Background(), &wallet.SearchRequest{})
var walletItems = trinsic.wallet().searchWallet().get();
if more data is available for querySearchRequest
Verifiable Presentation Request Spec
In the future, this endpoint will support the Verifiable Presentation Request Spec .
Advanced Search¶
The Search endpoint supports SQL queries through the query
This allows for arbitrary query predicates, as well as more advanced functionality -- such as modifying the output format.
Any table name may be used in your query (we use c
here) -- it doesn't matter what it is.
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Corresponds to the item_id returned when item was inserted into wallet |
type | string | Specified via item_type when item was inserted into wallet |
data | object | The JSON object passed via item_json when item was inserted into wallet |
Note that data
is an object, not a string; thus, any of its sub-fields may be queried against.
For example, SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.data.someField = 'Hello, World!'
would match against the following JSON object inserted via InsertItem:
"someField": "Hello, World!"
Common SQL Queries¶
Paging uses the OFFSET
clause that takes in a value indicating how many records should be skipped in the returned query. To specify the size of the result set (page size) use the LIMIT
The optional ORDER BY
clause specifies the sorting order for results returned by the query. To control sorting order, specify ASC
at the end; if not specified ascending order is used by default.
SELECT * FROM c ORDER BY c.credential.issued DESC
The optional WHERE clause (WHERE <filter_condition>
) specifies condition(s) that the source JSON items must satisfy for the query to include them in results. A JSON item must evaluate the specified conditions to true to be considered for the result. The index layer uses the WHERE
clause to determine the smallest subset of source items that can be part of the result.
SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.name = 'Trinsic' AND c.dateCreated >= "2020-09-30T23:14:25.7251173Z"
clause divides the query's results according to the values of one or more specified properties.
Examples and detailed description on working with grouped results can be found here
Additional Resources¶
You can read the full documentation on working with SQL queries on the Azure Cosmos DB website .